Ten Women, Ten Industries: Our Best Business Advice

3. Dr. Sue Eisen


What a thought-provoking question this is! As an entrepreneur in the wellness sector, I never quite fit into the mold that was expected of me. My hair was too long, my dress was too fashionable and I railed against anything close to stereotyping. Maybe it was the artist in me, but I went my own way. Kind of like the doctors on General Hospital!

So, it makes sense that my advice to any young entrepreneur would always be, first and foremost, remember who you are and what you individually can bring to the table. The same goes for any young person who is from a foreign land. So often, people come to America to pursue their dreams and try hard to fit into a mold or standard that is quintessentially “Made in the USA”. You are here now and that gives you an “Adopted and Made in the USA” status. Looking at problems through a different lens often brings solutions that can disrupt old concepts and offer new solutions in a variety of industries.

I often speak to young people whether it be at a Girl’s Club in New York City or a high school class in New Jersey and what I alwaysemphasize is that you must be comfortable in your own skin. That includes dressing in clothes that you are comfortable in whether it be business casual, comfortable or leisure. Don’t worry so muchabout fitting into any mold specific to your industry. Believe me, you’ll be happier and more grounded, which will clear your head to do the real work of your dreams.

Having said this, one important detail that can never be overlooked is that the basics of the English language and your writing skills are essential to any new business or startup. This is one area that can make anyone, regardless of their upbringing, look unprepared to take a business or an idea to the next level. So, as in all endeavors, it pays to do your homework and make sure everything is perfect. Lastly, remember to listen and find your tribe. Thinking that you can accomplish your goals without help is another important point to consider. You cannot. Find the people you resonate with and trust that they will lead you to the people who can help you achieve your dream! I hope that anyone reading this will be inspired to keep going!

Industry: Wellness Sector

IG: @drsueeisen

LinkedIn: Dr. Susan Eisen, D.C.

Dr. Sue Eisen, D.C

Credits: https://medium.com/@Elorac/ten-women-ten-industries-our-best-business-advice-2bd4bbe3c957

Integrative Wellness

with Dr. Susan Eisen


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